CoWorking Spaces: Giving Work From Home a new Space.

In the hard time of the pandemic, the entire world is impacted severely. Companies are cost-cutting, shrinking growth plans, and focusing on conserving capital. New businesses are laying off employees because they are not immune to this critical situation.

Many start-ups which raised investments on promising rapid growth are on the verge of shutting down.

What is Coworking?

Coworking is a place where workers of different companies share an office space. In short, the self-employed or working for a particular company come to share office space and work.

Even if recession knocks hard, start-ups, freelancers or well-developed companies will have to adopt coworking spaces. Coworking helps decrease the cost of operation and emphasizes exploring distributed workplaces for their employees rather than laying off their employees. Moreover the biggest advantage of working from coworking space is the flexibility. 


Coworking has undoubtedly seen a dip in footfall during the lockdown. Still, forecasting the scenario, which will be post lockdown, many companies will now think about the distributive work model for employees as it will take a little long time to cope with the trauma of the pandemic, which will increase the demand for coworking spaces.

The distributive work model enables employees to work from remote locations, which decreases the time & cost spent on travelling.

Companies are planning to cut extra costs to cope up with losses due to pandemics effectively and efficiently. Coworking spaces need the hour since they decrease the operational cost and take over the burden of managing the operations. The companies can primarily focus on the business at lesser cost and better facilities. Also, coworking spaces with hubs in different locations give the advantage of working remotely as per the co-worker's choice. Many entrepreneurs travel for meetings and conferences worldwide, which will be halted due to fear of COVID-19. In such circumstances, the best place for meetings virtually would be booking a meeting or conference room at a coworking space. Quest Coworks provides theme-based, fully equipped meeting & conference room facilities on an hourly basis.

People need flexibility and choice in how and where they want to work. There is no cost-saving and hygienic option other than opting for a coworking space. Instead, this is an opportunity for coworking spaces to show how they can offer new solutions during the hour of crisis and make the economy more resistant to such circumstances.

Quest Coworks plays a significant role by helping organisations in cost-cutting via reducing the company's operational cost on a monthly & yearly basis, including all operating expenses such as electricity, AC, internet, tea/coffee, etc.


  1. This is an excellent article. Thank you for sharing this useful knowledge.
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