Debunking Myths of Coworking

 Debunking Myths of Coworking

Coworking space is perceived to be the new future of potential in it. That's why these spaces are considered one of the most fast-growing trends in the business world, especially after the pandemic. The coworking spaces are great for community building and perfect for innovating, collaborating & ideating.

The growth of coworking spaces in the past few years has been phenomenal with small & big organisations across the world leaving traditional office spaces for coworking spaces.

However, some organisations are still sceptical about this shift from traditional office spaces to coworking spaces. Companies still have the conception that coworking spaces are expensive, noisy, without privacy and the list goes on.

Is it the generation gap?

Let’s debunk these coworking myths one by one.

Myth Number 1: Coworking is the same as work from home!

Working from home comes with its own set of pros and cons. It is definitely cool initially but the lack of interaction and movement make it detrimental for employees’ health. On the other hand, the coworking environment ensures your employees have enough social interactions and movements, ensuring that they are their productive best.

Coworking spaces, the ‘flexible work heavens’ that allow your team’s creative juices flowing along with seamless productivity, are sensitizing the work culture all across the globe. Working out of coworking spaces solves the cruces of inefficiencies like long travel time, de-motivating work environment and lack of amenities at conventional offices while keeping it pocket-friendly.

Myth Number 2 : Coworkings are distracting!

The general environment at a coworking office is different from the traditional office and more conducive to work. Besides, working at a coworking space offers more freedom and makes people more intuitive about their work.

Myth Number 3:  Coworkings are ONLY for freelancers and start ups!

Another common coworking myth is the belief that coworking spaces are used by freelancers and startups only.

Coworking spaces cater to the requirements of every working professional and corporate organization out there. Starting from individual entrepreneurs, freelancers, startups to small or big organizations, the benefits of coworking spaces are there for all to enjoy.

Be it small or large companies, coworking spaces have become a desired workspace for all. Companies need space and facilities that come at a fraction of the cost of dedicated office space.

Coworking spaces offer exactly that.

Myth Number 4 : Its so Expensive!

Opposed to the belief, coworking space is much affordable than renting a traditional workspace. At coworking spaces, you pay the cost of the number of seats you use, which can be cut down or increased later as per the requirement. On the contrary, setting up a new office in the traditional workspace is overly expensive. Even then, enterprises have very limited flexibility to expand or cut down their leased space.

In addition, coworking spaces offer additional IT and connectivity services which make them even more affordable.

As the coworking trend continues to rise, so does the number of myths that come along with it.

One tip to combat this is to have an open-minded mentality when it comes to change and especially when moving into a new coworking space. Just like people, coworking space has their own personalities.

A coworking space can be considered a living space because of their constantly changing and growing nature.

After debunking these coworking space misconceptions, you should feel more confident about either joining a coworking space or the choice you’ve already made in being part of one.



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